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Winds of Change (Delphine Rising Book 0.5)
Winds of Change (Delphine Rising Book 0.5) Read online
Winds of Change
(Prequel to Delphine Rising, Book 0.5)
Angela Sanders
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
About the Author
Copyright © 2017 Angela Sanders
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used simply for the purposes of furthering the storyline and do not represent the institutions or places of business in any way. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental or used for fictional purposes.
Dedication and Acknowledgements
This book wouldn’t be possible without my fellow authors and dear friends, Joanna Mazurkiewicz and Danielle James.
Danielle, I love you girl. Thanks for being the inspiration for my character and all of the late night calls throwing out ideas for our books. You rock!
Joanna, I wouldn’t be where I am today without you. Thank you for taking me under your wing and believing in me. You’ve taught me so much and I’ll be forever grateful. “Plot, plot, plot.”
Last, but certainly not least, I give all the praise and glory to God for making my dreams come true.
Independently published by Angela Sanders’ Books
Cover designed: by Christian Bentulan, Covers by Christian christianbentulan@gmail.com
ISBN-10: 1548105334
ISBN-13: 978-1548105334
Chapter 1
“Hey Danielle. What’s cookin’, good lookin’?” I asked as she walked through the shop doors to pick me up for our much needed girl’s night.
We had been killing ourselves for weeks, hunting an onslaught of rogue vampires who’d decided to make New Orleans their new hunting ground. We were due a break and tonight was the night.
It was time to close up Mystical Magic and I was more than ready get the heck out of Dodge. Mom had left early to take my eighteen-year-old little sister, Elizabeth, to her karate class. I’d seen enough crazy old ladies asking if I could hex their cheating husbands for one day. I may be a witch, but I certainly didn’t dabble in that kind of magic – it came back threefold. I sent them down the street to someone who wouldn’t mind doing that sort of thing. Who was I to judge?
“You about ready to go, Abby? We need to leave soon or we’ll lose our seats,” Danielle groaned.
“Almost done, I just have to finish with the register. Oh my gosh, Danielle, you should’ve been in here earlier. It was a madhouse! I think New Orleans is cursed with cheating husbands, warts and women seeking love. I had the craziest day. I even sold some of Mom’s old magical talismans from the 1930s. Strange huh?” I prattled on.
“Talismans? Who’d wanna buy those old things anyway?” Danielle asked, walking around, scanning the same merchandise she’d seen at least a hundred times during our eleven-year friendship.
“Some lady who thought it would bring her love and good fortune. I tried to explain that the talisman was for sacred rituals; bringing down the moon, that sort of thing, but she didn’t care. She thought because it had a red stone it would bring her love anyway,” I said, finishing up the sales count for the day.
“Is that what you’re wearing? I hope you brought a change of clothes, because the Abby I know wouldn’t be caught dead in… that,” Danielle remarked, looking me up and down, pointing to my faded jeans and black scooped neck top.
“Thanks, Miss Fashionista, for stating the obvious and yes, I brought clothes. They’re in the back, along with my makeup. I’m going for smoky eyes and red, come hither lips,” I said blowing her a kiss as I sauntered off to the breakroom to gather my things.
“Are you coming or what? Move your sweet ass and help me get dressed, woman,” I commanded in a teasing tone.
Danielle and I had been friends since she moved to New Orleans eleven years ago. We met at St. Charles Catholic School and became friends almost immediately. Although we both went to Catholic school, our mothers belonged to the largest coven of witches in New Orleans. We had so much in common, it was hard not to flock together.
I had already come into my powers and Danielle was fumbling along. I made it my mission to teach her all that I knew and she helped shape me into the snarktastic awesomeness that I am now. We did everything together and even had our own secret club – for two. We rarely allowed anyone else into our little duo unless they passed our “cool” test.
When you’re ten and eleven-years old, your definition of cool basically consisted of who could build the best pillow fort. We even made up our own passwords. Needless to say, we tended to get ourselves into a bit of trouble, illegally using our magic in school – the nuns had no idea, but our mothers did. Our worst punishment? Being grounded from one another.
Once we entered high school, we became more outgoing and outrageous with our tricks. We were known as “Double Trouble” to anyone who knew us, especially the old hags in our coven. We weren’t particularly liked by the older generation, much to our mothers’ dismay, but we couldn’t care less; we had parties to attend, and boys… I’m not quite sure how we graduated without being suspended at least once.
Danielle was like another sister to me. We were polar opposite in looks; her, with long blonde hair that hung in waves down her back and sky blue eyes – the perfect Barbie doll. And me, with mostly straight, long black hair and jade green eyes. I finally grew into my boobs sophomore year, while Danielle had them in eighth grade, she still liked to tease me about that. At least I was taller at five foot seven, compared to her five foot four frame. But what we lacked in matching looks, we made up for in spades with our outgoing and sarcastic personalities. We were twin souls, that’s what Mamma always told us anyway.
Once I finished with the day’s sales, changed my clothes and locked everything up, Danielle and I would be on our way to our favorite live music bar, Razoo’s, then onward to our ritual pub crawl after we’d had our fill of dancing and booze.
“You know who’s supposed to be at Razoo’s tonight? Your favorite, not-so-secret crush,” Danielle teased, with a shit-eating grin on her face.
“I have no idea who you’re talking about,” I said as I pulled on my tight, black leather pants that fit like a second skin.
“Oh really? Danny DuPont doesn’t ring any bells? Isn’t he the same guy you obsess over night and day, but refuse to speak to?” Dannielle asked, raising a brow.
“Danny? You’ve got to be kidding me? He doesn’t talk to anyone, especially me. He just stares as if I have something on my face. It’s annoying as hell. That’s why I talk about him all the time. He gets on my damn nerves,” I said, puffing up, knowing she was right and secretly excited to see him out, even if he didn’t speak to me.
“Right… You can’t tell me his black hair, dreamy blue eyes and smokin’ hot body doesn’t do anything for you. I know you well enough, you’re lying through your perfect teeth. Speaking of teeth, you need to blot. You’ve got red lipstick all over your two front teeth – not sexy at all,” she said laughing in my face.
“Changing the subject… Are we staying at your pla
ce or mine? You know how Mom gets when we come home drunk. I’d rather not be shaken awake at six a.m. to do the dishes just because Mom thinks hangovers are funny and what she calls, ‘self-induced punishment’,” I asked, rolling my eyes.
“You know Helen. She won’t care as long as we don’t wake her or Jeanie up when we stumble in. She might even make us breakfast,” she answered with a gleaming smile.
“Okay, it’s settled then. Wait, why are you calling your mom Helen now? That’s just weird,” I asked as I yanked and pulled my slinky red halter top over my head, adjusting the girls.
“She told me to. I don’t know, she’s strange these days. Ever since Jeanie found out she was pregnant a few weeks ago, she thinks she’s too young to be a Grandma and forbids anyone to call her anything other than her given name. I’m sure she’ll get over it once the baby comes – pretty sure she’s just in shock.”
“So back to Danny… He seems like the strong, silent type. I bet he’s good in bed. You need to jump right on that or someone else will. Hell, just last week, Crystal made a complete fool of herself, fawning all over him at the coven meeting. Too bad you missed it. I was laughing my ass off; he looked at her like she was on crack and walked away,” she said giggling.
“Danielle Knight, you’re incorrigible – what did you do to Crystal? I know she’s the biggest flirt in the coven, but come on, he just walked away? And how do you know he’d be good in bed?” I asked, but couldn’t help myself from laughing.
“Well, Abigail Blanque, if you must know – I changed her perfume a tiny bit. No one noticed, except maybe Danny. She just smelled like she’d passed gas a few times and needed a restroom. It was nothing really,” she deadpanned.
Crystal had been a thorn in Danielle’s side since sophomore year, always playing cruel pranks on her or setting her up to get in trouble for things she didn’t do.
Our senior year in high school, Danielle was dating a guy named, Tray and Crystal couldn’t stand the fact that she wasn’t getting his attention. It was pure jealousy, plain and simple.
Crystal started a rumor that Danielle had cheated on Tray at a party, having one of her friends back her up with fake pictures; ultimately ending their new relationship. Since then, Danielle had tried to keep her distance, telling me more than once she felt a creeper vibe from Crystal. Personally, I had never had a problem with Crystal, but I always had Danielle’s back no matter what.
I burst out laughing until I had tears in my eyes. I couldn’t believe Danielle pulled such a prank at a coven meeting of all places – well, yes I could, but I had missed the whole thing. If I would’ve been there, no doubt we’d have been caught and equally blamed.
“No wonder Danny walked away. I’m dying… Oh shit, my eyes. Now I have to redo my makeup and we’re going to be late for sure – stop talking, I can’t take anymore,” I said attempting to rein in my laughter.
My thoughts drifted to my mom and how I needed to call her before I left. Since the break-in at the shop a few months ago, she’d been on edge, worrying herself sick about me and my sister. I kept wondering if it had anything to do with my great, great grandmother’s talisman, but Mom wouldn’t say much on the topic.
I knew something else was going on and Mom was keeping it to herself, most likely thinking she was protecting us. I was almost positive she was worried about the talisman being activated or that it might end up in the hands of someone who was dabbling in dark magic. It weighed heavily on my mind.
“Are you almost done? You’re taking forever.” Danielle asked, interrupting my thoughts.
“Oh sorry. I’m ready, let’s lock up and get outa here.” I said.
Chapter 2
We decided to take a cab to Razoo’s and leave Danielle’s car parked at the shop, knowing full well neither of us would be in any shape to drive by the end of the night. Bourbon Street was packed as usual as we waded through the sea of bodies toward the club.
“Holy shit! Did you see that guy? The one who nearly knocked me over? I’d like to go back and ask him to knock me over again just so he can catch me if I fall,” Danielle said, waving her hand in front of her face.
The guy in question was definitely something to look at; six-foot four, dark blonde hair and striking brown eyes, but I didn’t think the woman hanging on his arm would appreciate Danielle’s groping of her man.
“Honey, he’s taken. Put your eyes back in your head. There are plenty of men out here, you only have to take your pick. I’m pretty sure that brunette he’s locking lips with now would try and claw your eyes out,” I said, grabbing her elbow to hurry us along.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of something dark dart across the alley. My hackles rose when I realized it was something supernatural and not a freakin’ cat. My first thought was that it was most likely one of the rogue vampires who had escaped Danielle and me two nights prior. But damn, I didn’t want any vamp trouble tonight; it was supposed to be our girl’s night out – no freaky shit allowed. I only hoped we didn’t have to keep them from killing innocents.
“Danielle, I don’t want to ruin our night, but something strange is going on. I saw a dark shadow in the alley and felt its energy. It could’ve been another vampire, but I’m not sure. We need to keep moving, but be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary,” I said.
“What the hell? Not tonight… We’re not dealing with anything except dancing, booze and men – that’s it. Got it?” She replied, looking pissed.
“Yes ma’am. Just thought I’d warn you – let’s get our drink on,” I said as we walked up to Razoo’s and presented our I.D.
Jack, the bouncer, knew us well. He kept an eye out for creepers and made sure we stayed out of trouble for the most part. The man was huge, looking like a WWE wrestler with arms as big as my thighs, dark skin and hazel eyes. He was a looker and the ladies always tried to weasel their way in using their feminine charms, but it never fazed him.
When we finally walked inside the dimly lit bar around eight p.m., it was already packed and our usual table up front by the band was taken. The place needed air conditioning in a bad way; the body heat was almost unbearable when you added it to the humidity outside.
Danielle wanted to accidentally spill the couple’s drinks and make them move from our table, but I suggested we head up to the bar where two available seats awaited us. She finally relented after I told her we didn’t need to be using magic in public because I had noticed a few other witches just outside on the patio. That would surely get us hauled into the coven for a quick reprimand or possibly worse – I didn’t want to think about what worse would be.
We found our seats located in the middle of the bar and ordered our first Bacardi Hurricane – it was cheap and oh so good. We turned in our stools to watch the band and the first person I noticed was Crystal just as I was taking a drink. I laughed and choked, spewing a good bit of my Hurricane on the man standing next to me.
“Hey, are you okay? Can you breathe?” the man asked, looking concerned.
I felt bad for the guy, but at least he wasn’t mad that I spit my drink on him, so I played it up a little. “Wrong pipe,” I pretend choked, as he patted me on the back.
Danielle was hiding her face in her drink, slurping away, trying not to explode and laugh in the man’s face. I was a horrible actress – I kept pretend choking, overplaying my hand until he simply said, “Ma’am, I think you’re alright now. Try and drink slower next time, then walked away shaking his head.
“What the hell was that?” Danielle asked as she burst out laughing.
“I saw Crystal walk in and all I could think about was fart. Everyone knows farts are funny and what you did, although funny, was mean, even for you. I thought you two had buried the hatchet after the last prank she pulled,” I said with the most serious face I could muster.
“Nope. That girl just won’t quit. I don’t know what her problem’s been with me all these years, but she’s crazy. Remember a few weeks ago when I had to buy two
new front tires? I caught the bitch running away after she’d slit them,” she said.
“Are you kidding me? Why didn’t you tell me about it?” I asked, getting pissed off.
“I forgot about it and needed to figure out a way to pay for two new tires. It’s not like I could tell the coven that she’d slit my tires. As if they would believe me.
And you’re just as bad about pulling pranks. What about the time Harriette messed with your potions and you turned her hair green for a week? Now that shit was funny!” she started laughing hysterically, bringing us to out of our pissy mood.
The Braud twins were horrible and treated everyone like they were scum, me included. Harriette used to screw with me all the time in magic class and when I’d finally had enough, I responded in kind. Unfortunately, I was the only one who got caught.
“Well, Harriette Braud’s a bitch and I was only sixteen. I was grounded for a month, if you remember. Her dad called my mom, mad as hell. It was funny, though. I’m not sure why she and her sister have to be so mean all the time. They act as if their shit don’t stink just because they come from a prominent family of witches. Woopty doo,” I said, rolling my eyes as I took a huge gulp of my drink. It was about time for round two.
“You’re up. Order our drinks, wench and forget about Crystal. We’re here to have fun.”
“At your service, my lady” Danielle said with a snarky grin and slight bow.
Black Night was playing hard core rock and it wasn’t exactly our kind of music. They must have been a backup band for the all-girl, Fergusson Band we loved so well. It looked like we were going to have a few more drinks and head out for our Bourbon Street pub crawl earlier than expected.
Danielle handed me my second drink, but only after she made me do a shot of tequila first. I hated that crap, but she loved it, so down it went and I chased it with Bacardi Hurricane, trying not to gag. Next shot was on me… I drank the Hurricane down so quickly, my head began to spin – not a good sign – I was blaming the tequila.