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Magic Unleashed (Delphine Rising Book 2) Page 5

  “Okay, Danny, get that gorgeous butt of yours dressed before Danielle comes out. We don’t want to scar her even more,” I told him, then stood from the bed and pulled him in for another kiss.

  “I’m going. I’ll just be in the closet if you need me.” He stood, taking his shirt off, showcasing his muscular back. I could stare at him for days.

  Snap out of it, Abby. Stop drooling and get dressed.

  I walked to the dresser and pulled out a black tank to match my leather pants. All black seemed fitting for tonight. Then I went to the closet to grab my black leather boots.

  Danny was already dressed in dark rugged jeans that hugged his butt just right, and a black T-shirt that stretched across his chest, defining each muscle delectably. Damn. I kept my eyes focused on my boots and walked out, changing into my tank in seconds. Then remembered I forgot my leather coat.

  He was still standing in the closet doorway watching me when I made my move to grab it.

  “You look hot. I can’t wait to take that off you later,” he said, looking down at me with a devilish grin.

  “You’re incorrigible.” I moved past him, smiling and shaking my head. I was enjoying the fact that Danny was back to being himself again. His doom and gloom was definitely gone. Win for Abby! Once we located Marcus, we needed to find out what was going on with Harold. I hoped to learn a few things from Catherine and Allison tonight.


  Danny performed a magical perimeter sweep while Danielle did her thing checking for dark auras surrounding the area near our house once everything was packed up. I stayed outside just in case we found another lost soul who needed to cross over. I wasn’t about to allow Marcus to get his clutches into another one.

  After deeming the area near our home safe, the three of us went back inside to gather our weapons of choice from the closet. Liz was already armed with the Sword of Light sheathed to her back, but decided to add a few extra knives to err on the side of caution. I could tell she was still shaken from what happened last night, then earlier today. If we ran into any vampire trouble, I would take them out and deal with the consequences later. At this point, we had no idea which ones were infected and I wasn’t about to risk anyone else being bit. I knew Liz might be angry with me, but she would have to get over it. With the risk of these vamps being possessed I didn’t want to take any chances.

  We piled into my Acadia just before ten p.m. with Mom in the driver’s seat. Genevieve had arrived not too long after we finished eating and sat up front, while Danny and I sat in the middle, with Liz and Danielle in the third-row seat. The drive to the old Springs Hallow was about forty minutes away just outside Jefferson Parish near the swamplands.

  Liz plugged in her earbuds and lay back to listen to music and began to drift off to sleep. I attempted not to watch her like a hawk, but I couldn’t help it. I was afraid if she went to sleep, Delphine might catch her in another illusion.

  “Abby, stop,” Danny said, turning my face toward him. “She’s gonna be okay. She drank her protection potion before we left the house.”

  “Fine. I just can’t stop thinking about it. If that witch so much as touches a hair on her head, she won’t have to worry about being locked back up in the talisman. I’ll find a way to send her across the veil.” I had no idea how I would do it, but the gears in my head were turning. If I could send a lost soul or entity away, why couldn’t I send her creepy ass too? It was something to think about and research later. I needed to keep my head straight and focus.

  Danny squeezed my hand. “It’s going to work out. Let’s concentrate on one thing at a time, okay? If we notice anything going on with Liz, we’ll all be there to take care of her.”

  I took a deep breath. “I know you’re right and I’ll stop hovering for now. Once we learn Marcus’s location, I’ll feel a lot better.” Then I heard Danielle snoring in the back seat and shook my head. That girl could sleep through a train wreck.

  Mom and Genevieve were discussing the bonding of powers with so many witches present. It was typically only done with three or four, but we now had eight, and Mom didn’t seem to be worried, especially since we were going to be on sacred ground. With our ancestors there to guide us, it wouldn’t be a problem.

  When we turned onto the old gravel road leading toward the Hallow, my heart began to thunder in my chest. I wasn’t exactly nervous, but the immense power we had felt the last time we were there was extraordinary. I hoped we would see our ancestors again.

  Mom pulled over in the same spot as before so we could follow the path to the open clearing. I woke Danielle and Liz up, telling them it was time to move. We grabbed our packs from the back and began walking down the mostly dirt road. The tree-covered trail blocked the moon making it hard to see what was in front of us. All we could hear were frogs croaking and slithering sounds of things I didn’t want to think about, most likely gators and snakes. I called upon my magic and my right hand blazed with fire so we could see the road in front of us. Danny pulled out his mag light and so did Danielle. I was sticking with my fire just in case something came slithering out from the swamp. I wasn’t about to be a gator’s dinner.

  “We’re almost there,” Mom called out from the front.

  I could feel ancestral magic thrumming through my veins, causing all the tiny hairs on my body to stand on end. The closer we walked toward the clearing, the stronger it became.

  Just as before, we lit our torches haphazardly around the clearing. Mom then asked me to cut the circle with my athame. Again, I called upon the ancestors for their strength and guidance as I did so in order to empower it with their magic.

  Once the circle was complete, we only had to wait a few minutes before Allison and Catherine arrived. This time, they skipped their ceremonial robes and wore all black, seemingly having the same idea as me.

  Catherine wore her brown hair in her usual tight bun, while Allison’s short blonde hair blew in the breeze. They seemed eager to get to us for some reason, almost running toward me.

  “What is it? Is everything okay?” I asked them when they stood before me.

  “Abby, we don’t have much time. The council knows we’re here and I have no idea who’s feeding them information. Allison and I haven’t spoken to anyone about your family,” Catherine said, then looked over to Mom. “Jaqueline, it’s only a matter of time before they come looking for you. I thought I’d give you fair warning.”

  “Shit. What are we supposed to do? Hide? I don’t think so,” I said, feeling frustrated. “We’ll just go before the council and tell them what we’re doing. It’s not like they can hold us for anything.”

  “Things have changed,” Allison said. “They’re on a witch hunt

  — literally. I have no idea what’s gotten into them and I want no part of it, but Catherine and I will do everything we can to keep them occupied.”

  Genevieve interrupted and walked toward us. “None of that matters. Jaqueline, you and your family will stay at my home until we find Marcus and the talisman. The council wouldn’t dare enter my coven,” she said with what looked like anger in her eyes.

  “Thank you, Genevieve. You’ve always been so good to our family, but I don’t want to run from them,” Mom said. “I’ll face the council.”

  “But Mom,” Liz interrupted.

  “No, Elizabeth, and now is not the time to discuss this. It’s almost midnight.” Mom looked back at Catherine and Allison. “Thank you for informing us. We can discuss it more after we uncloak Marcus and learn of his location.”

  “As you wish,” Catherine said and Allison inclined her head.

  We were pissed, but took our places outside the circle anyway. Something was going on with the council because this was not standard protocol. I looked to Danny who was standing to my right. He was silently seething and I knew why. He was most likely thinking the same thing I was: his father.

  With Liz to my left and Danielle on her other side, I felt more confident that my sister would be okay. Genevieve led the
incantation to bond all of our powers as one, using the same spell she did earlier, only adding four more witches into the mix. I felt their powers instantly and it nearly knocked me to my knees. I gasped for breath and Danny grabbed my arm.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, looking concerned.

  “Yeah, it was just the power surge. I’m fine.”

  I glanced toward Liz who seemed to be holding up well. The added magic didn’t faze her at all and I wondered why it had affected me in such a way. I attempted to shake it off, but a strange sensation was niggling the back of my head. I felt as if I was being watched.

  I looked around the dimly lit clearing, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. Not until movement from the trees on the far-left side caught my attention. I whispered to Mom, but she wasn’t paying attention. I didn’t want to break the circle, so I told Liz to get Mom’s attention. She started waving her hands at Mom. Seriously? I could’ve done that. I was trying not to bring attention to us or let the intruder know I was on to him or her.

  Mom finally looked at me and I glanced toward the tree line, mouthing that someone was there watching us. She didn’t move, but motioned to Genevieve who had a direct line of sight to the trees. That’s when I saw it—a dark presence had followed us to the clearing, but what I didn’t understand was how it was able to enter sacred ground.

  All at once the midnight sky lit up in yellow orbs of light—our ancestors must have sensed it. They were surrounding the entire clearing. We heard someone running through the trees and that’s when I spotted him—it was Harold. Son of a bitch! Danny saw his dad and before I could stop him, he broke the circle, taking off in a dead sprint. This was an all-around shit sandwich. Chaos, absolute chaos broke out once the circle was broken and we all took off running behind Danny.

  “Dad! Stop!” Danny was gaining on him, but Harold seemed unnaturally fast for a man his age. It was odd, to say the least.

  Harold kept glancing behind him, but Danny was hot on his tail. A few moments later, he pounced on his dad, knocking him to the ground just at the edge of the clearing.

  Smoke engulfed Harold’s body and he yelped out in pain. Danny dragged him to the dirt path, then sat on his stomach.

  “Where the hell have you been and why did you betray us?” Danny demanded.

  Harold’s eyes were unfocused and he didn’t look like himself. He was disheveled and something was off. He just stared at Danny.

  “Answer me, dammit! I deserve to know! I’m your son,” Danny shouted.

  I was beginning to believe that we weren’t looking at Harold at all, but someone else entirely. I placed my hand on Danny’s shoulder.

  “Danny, look at him. I mean, look real close. Does he look like your father?” I asked calmly.

  I could see that Danny was fighting with himself, with the anger and betrayal he’d been holding onto for weeks and only wanted answers. I understood, but this person, this thing, was not Harold.

  “Abby’s right,” Allison agreed. “Pull him up to his feet. If he were Harold, the ancestors would have allowed him on sacred ground.”

  Catherine performed a revelation spell and what we saw made my heart stop. It was Francesca. She was the old coven leader back when Daddy was killed. She had been ousted from the coven not too long after due to suspicious behavior and for sweeping the disappearance of witches under the rug. She was supposed to have died in a fire years ago. Holy shit!

  “Francesca!” Mom shouted. “But you’re supposed to be dead. How is this possible? You!” Mom lunged at her, going for her throat.

  Holy hell! Mom. Francesca attempted to push Mom back, but she was too fast and had her back on the ground in seconds, straddling her waist, grabbing a fistful of her long black hair.

  Mom held Francesca’s hair near the roots and pulled her face close. “Why? What did you do to my husband? Why, after all of these years come back to torture my family? Haven’t you done enough?”

  “Jaqueline, you’ve always been one with a flair for the dramatics. Not everything is about you,” she spat. Her hazel eyes shimmered when a derisive smile split her face.

  Oh shit. Wrong move. Mom’s eyes began to glow and the earth started to tremble. In one swift move, Mom punched Francesca in the face, knocking her out cold. She got up, dusted herself off, then told Danny to tie her up and secure her hands behind her back.

  “If I’m to go before the council, I’m taking that witch with me,” Mom said, then walked back toward the clearing.

  The girls and I just stood there with our mouths gaping open. Our five-foot-nothing mother—just wow.

  Shaking it off, we followed her back to the circle after Danny immobilized Francesca with rope from the back seat as Mom asked. She was hogtied, thrown into the back of the SUV; even with her magic, it would be difficult for her to escape. He had spelled the ropes to make them tighten if she struggled. The other witches followed suit without saying a word. I assumed everyone was in shock after seeing that display. It wasn’t like my mother to act in such a manner, but when it came to Mom’s family, her “Mamma Bear” instincts came out in full force.

  We surrounded the circle once more and Catherine blessed it, asking our ancestors for protection. They were still present, hovering over the circle and spread throughout the clearing, almost as if they were keeping watch.

  Genevieve glanced around at everyone, giving instructions, telling us what needed to happen in order to uncloak Marcus’s magic and reveal his location. Once it was understood, the eight of us held hands, strengthening our magic, and began reciting the enchantment. It was closely related to a scrying spell, but with an added boost.

  Ancients and Ancestors, we call upon thee.

  A dark force cloaked by black magic;

  Reveal what we cannot see.

  Bring Marcus forth, his darkness has awakened.

  In this protected circle, show us his location.

  So we have called it.

  So shall it be.

  Blue and white flames erupted around the circle. Ancestral orbs took on a human-like shape as the spell intensified and the flames grew higher. Bolts of lightning spread across the darkened sky and thunder clapped loudly in my ears. The flames died down and where the earth once covered the ground within the circle, now a crystal pool of water shimmered in the moonlight.

  We raised our hands once more and shouted, “Revelare!” The calm waters began to swirl until a vision appeared, blurred at first; then suddenly Marcus’s face appeared. He was somewhere in New Orleans—an old abandoned house, but he wasn’t alone. A man and a woman were with him, but I couldn’t make out their faces. I continued to look closer to see if anything seemed familiar. Then lights from a nearby window cast a shadow on the attic floor. I recognized the building and gasped. Marcus was talking to the woman and seemed to be angry, but there was no sound. I had no idea what was happening, but his location sent a cold shiver down my spine.

  Just as the woman’s face was beginning to come into focus, the vision started to disappear along with the crystalline pool. I stood there, shocked and unable to speak. I couldn’t believe Marcus had been right under our noses the entire time. I wondered if anyone else recognized the house. My hands were trembling and Danny glanced at me.

  “What’s wrong, Abby? Why are you so upset?”

  I couldn’t answer him. Everything stood still—my childhood flashed before my eyes—the old attic. Tears spilled down my face and I looked to my mom who had the same shocked expression. They were held up in our old home where Daddy died—where Delphine had taken his soul and trapped him in her talisman eighteen years ago.

  “What the—son of a bitch!” Danielle shouted.

  “Will someone please tell me what’s going on?” Danny asked, holding me up by my shoulders. I was finding it hard to stand. I felt like I was going to have a panic attack.

  “What? You didn’t recognize it?” Danielle asked. “Never mind. You were too young to remember and so was I, but I know all about it. That’s thei
r old house, the same one where Abby and Liz’s Dad died.”

  Mom was pissed. Catherine, Allison and Genevieve tried to console her, but she wasn’t having any of it. First Francesca, now this? I was pretty sure Mom was at her limit for the night.

  “I’m ready to leave now,” she said and turned to walk away.

  Liz ran after her. “Mamma, wait.”

  Mom stopped and looked at Liz. “What is it, Elizabeth?” Damn. Her eyes were glowing again.

  “Mamma, I think you need to calm down. Now that we know where Marcus is, we can find him and the talisman. It doesn’t matter that he’s at our old house. What’s done is done. I know you’re upset, but you have us—all of us.” She gestured toward the witches standing around ready to fight for our family.

  Mom took a deep breath and sighed. “I know I do and I appreciate all of you,” she said, looking around at everyone. “But we have a witch to deal with first. Then we’ve got to get that godforsaken talisman back.”

  Genevieve walked over to Mom and embraced her in a tight hug. “I’m always here for you, Jaqueline. I love you and your girls like my own family. I will do everything within my power to help and protect all of you,” she said and Mom thanked her. They had been friends for as long as I could remember. Genevieve was family. I was so grateful to have her in our lives.

  I attempted to gain my composure, clasping Danny’s hand. Once we packed up our gear, we all agreed that it was time to go, then followed Mom back to the Acadia where Francesca was still passed out.

  Chapter 6

  “Danny, I want you to sit in the back to keep an eye on Francesca,” Mom said. “If she wakes up, hit her with a sleeping spell.

  “Catherine, please call the council and tell them I have something for them to see, and to meet me at my shop. Mystical Magic is neutral ground.”

  “I’ll make the call now.” Catherine turned and walked to her car with Allison falling in step behind her.